Wednesday, July 21, 2010

School finishes at 2 today, meet twin in school.
Walk together to Mrt, then down to Bukit Batok to meet Keng Ann.
Then we both went to fetch my darling Blood, waited outside her school.
Waited for like 1 hour plus, then after that headed to Blood house to slack.
Daddy came over to fetch me at 6 plus.
Head home !

You still leads your life happily, so why can't I ?
I'm happy that you could move on, but on the other side sad cause without me you still could be so happy.
I had never regretted going into this relationship with you.
Cause you made me learn,
Learn that things don't always go my way.
Learn that my sarcarism do hurt my friends and love ones.
Learn how to let the one you love most go, just to see him happy .
Thou, you had not seen much of my changes but I felt that I had grown mature.
Thanks, thanks for all these while for not giving up on me (:

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