Saturday, July 25, 2009

25 July, was out from homeleave (:
Mummy and Godma came to fetch me, her tummy is getting bigger (:
I hope it's a girl, had pepper lunch for lunch then went to united square to shop.
Back home I make-up then Vivian.t & Shiluan came up my house to wait for me this xiaojie.
Walked down to mac to meet Juliana, then down to Coslab to pluck my eyebrows.
All of them left so I meet wesley go alter my jeans.
Walk back home then I meet Adrian at my house there.
Headed down to Tiong bahru Plaza to meet my Wifey, Then down to granddad house.
Before going up, chatted with Adrian for awhile.
After Granddad house, back home.
Did nothing, wanted to call terry but I dont know why in the end never chat with him.
Actually wanted to go meet Jonathan but too far kindda lazy.
Has been using the comp from 1 till now.
Will be going down to temple to pray later, porpor's death anniversary.
Then will go down see Nainai, then will meet my padi at novena square.
Mummy also brought me the top that I wanted from mango lerhs.
She went to many mango shop to just get me that top, was so touched !
Thanks Mummy, Thank for your unconditional love towards me (:
Thanks Adrian for fetching me down to Granddad house, thanks for the company too (:

This are those pictures on my last homeleave, the cycling trip.
It totally suck, that park connector is all fake !

Vivian.t & me

Shiluan & me

倔強說不痛 假裝什麼傷都沒有
倔強抬起頭 決不讓眼淚往下流

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